Archive for April, 2009
I’ve been single for the longest time, and unmarried……………….. so, I got a bit desperate! I thought if I showed off my best bondage skills, someone would want to marry me! I’m taking marriage applications! Apply within!
I also gave all my submission to Anastasia Pierce. She’s so damn hot! I really wanted to turn her on. I did absolutely everything she wanted, and I was such a good little slave! Restraint, crops, clothespin, and raw sexuality!
There is just something raw, sexy, and completely animalistic when it comes to leather. It really gets me wet! (You really have to come check out the rest of the peeks! There’s so much more!
Plus, the newest bondage video is posted!!
I attempt to make an arrest, and instead, I’m grabbed, duct taped, bound to a horse, duct taped, with clothespins. The fun really starts with the groping, fondling, and full torture till I beg it to stop!
There is really so much more…………… I won’t even post the photos with the ice cubes! You have to go check out the rest of the peeks! CLICK HERE FOR MORE HOT PHOTOS!
Ashley Renee
I’ve had a hard week, month, year…………. oh what the heck am I talking about? I’ve had a hard LIFE!
Let’s just go ahead and call a spade a spade. :)
I guess if you’re interested you could read about all my drama inside my site where I just spill my guts in my weekly journal ! That’s me, the woman that wears her heart on her sleeve.
Other than that I was lucky enough to get a play date with Jewell Marceau.
It’s been such a longtime, so a femdom set was due and I was more than happy to submit.
I was dying for a few hours in sub space and I finally got my wish.
Here’s just a tiny peek into my desperate willingness to be bound and dominated.
You also don’t want to miss my new video “POOR BABY’
Where I get spanked, penetrated, forced to deep throat, and eventually land up hogtied on the floor moaning and struggling with my sore red ass. Actually, I’m sore everywhere! :(
Plus my members keep asking for some behind the scenes photos ….so here are a few from my collection with Sharon Kane, Serious Bondage, Alexis Taylor , wrestler Julie Winchester and myself. This is just one of them, you have to click on the photo to see the rest of the samples!
Plus I’m bound for dessert :-)
I hope you like this weeks updates!
with 3 new videos !
Smothered with Natali DeMore
9 1/2 Weeks…Handcuffed , stripped and force fed…( super messy video , whipped cream and all )
Opps,,,,, I forgot the last one , maybe you should go see for yourself :-)
Hey there!
I just had the shoot from HELL! You can read more about that in my journal at my site.
So, what’s going on in my life? And what antics was I up to this week? You won’t want to miss this one! I’m humiliated when my girdle strap breaks and I get bound, caned, gagged and cropped outside for all the neighbors to see and hear! (Boy, where the neighbors shocked!)
Plus , I couldn’t wait to put up the next set from!
Mark straps me into a super thick leather body-harness and single sleeve.
When he’s seen enough , he takes out a see-thrugh ball gag so I drool all over leaving my mouth wet inside, drippng from the outside. I’m hoisted off the dungeon floor in restraints and chains in a dangling, struggling suspension, straight out of something from the good ole Bonvue days. :-)
Also ,I sat and had a chance to look over some of my work throughout the years and made a scrapbook of my very favorite moments in time! Leave it to me to get nostalgic! ( This is just a small taste, you have to really go take a peek!)
Lets not forget….Hip comix is back with part 4 of Target Ashley…
I hope you enjoy the updates…I know I enjoyed making them…….. and then I enjoyed them again while I was editing them……. and once again while I was picking out the photos for you, and I think I’m going to go enjoy it one more time (maybe twice!)!
Hey guys…………
I’m so crazy excited about this set, I had to share it! It’s coming up next week. I get tied with my arms overhead. The veils get tied on and I’m wet and drooling underneath. Wouldn’t I be the perfect bride?
I think it’s way too cool for words!